domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011


omg omg omg omg im so bored and retarded that i dint even write a title for this still thinking what title i should give this post...oh fuck this..ill just write stupid retarded shit here until something comes up for a title...lollololo..i was playing LoL these days and i just fucking OWN with lee sin..i did a penta kill very awsome pentakill!...AND THEN these fuckers started sayig that i stole the kills..but actually no..cause i was playing lee sin and my team had a mummie a soraka a urgot and the last i cant it was MY PENTA kill MINE....AND I WAS LOOKING AT 9GAG ASWELL..fucking awsome website..i hope i get money from 9gag and LoL for making them even more famous with this post...HAHA i know a title now!!FUCKERS!IT WILL BE AWSOME TITLE FUCKERS......I BET U WENT BACK AND REEAD THE TITLE!i rock so much..

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